
by order of which is purchased first
1. Baby carriage sling - less than RM20. quite handy though to transport han up and down our flat house. and he's quite comfortable in it!

2. Baby gym toys : the gym toy was uwan's gift, always entertains han and baba's last resort to buy some time for ps2. The handheld toy : RM30++ not that amazing though, just an overpriced rattle (so far)

3. Stroller RM300 Anakku boutique ; big and bulky; backward-forward facing, doubles as a rocker with foldable wheels. damn heavy and takes a lot of space in the trunk. Stroller toy RM39 (anakku boutique)

4. car seat : RM150 Carrefour : adjustable slant, strap height and tightness.

5. Baby walker : , , mama bought one RM59++ (anakku boutique) and atok bought another RM89++ (carrefour), one for us and another to park at nenek's house. Atok's version includes a music toy which has an octave of notes, changeable to animal sounds with corresponding notes. cute for the first 10 minutes. not that cute for the following hour. han loves it though.


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