InsyaAllah, lepas raya we'll get another addition to our growing family. We are so eager to know how she (insyaAllah) looks like, possibly like this :


*teratai layu di tasik madu

Demam 2-3 hari, tersadai di tilam. Tahap mandom maksimum. Demam kebah barulah campak keluar.....

tak sabar nak dapat lesen kereta

GIGI 2 batang

gigi yang comel

Beginning from the second month, we noticed han to look at the camera every time we point it at him. And of course that every time is very frequent. No sooner he became very camera friendly, smiling at any time anyone points a camera at him. When he gets bigger, he responds only to cameras with a visible focusing light, and starts smiling, and later on making faces for the camera.
first week; sebelum cukur
second week lepas cukur
2 months old
month 3 : smile for the camera
month 5
month 5
month 7
month 8
month 9 : make face for the camera!
month 9


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